Retroactive Labor Productivity Evaluations
Several methodologies are available to quantify field labor productivity impacts that a contractor could experience during construction. Two of the most widely used methodologies in both construction and legal forums are the Measured Mile Methodology and the Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) Factors Methodology.
Besides the MCAA, other productivity resources include the Construction Industry Institute (CII) and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). However, the MCAA is the most common resource for the analysis of mechanical construction projects.
Both the Measured Mile and MCAA Factors methodologies are industry standard productivity analyses used in construction to assess a contractor’s loss of labor productivity due to an issue or a series of issues. Both methodologies use the analysis of project documents for the identification of discrete events or actions of the parties that caused the impacts to the construction process and the determination of the durations that these events affected the contractor’s performance. In addition, project documentation or personnel interviews are used to identify the party responsible for the labor productivity losses. In many cases, the durations of these impacts overlap, making it difficult to separate the exact causes of any additional labor hour expenditures and costs related to a specific event, necessitating the use of a labor productivity analysis to evaluate the impacts.
However, in certain situations, the application of one methodology is more appropriate than the other, as discussed in the following sections.
Author: Interface Consulting
Released: April 09th, 2018 04:01 PM