Greg Lamberson
Greg Lamberson, a senior associate consultant with Interface Consulting, has over 35 years of domestic and international experience in engineering and construction management. Mr. Lamberson has worked on a wide variety of oil, gas, and energy projects around the world, including LNG plants, pipelines, compressor stations, production facilities, marine terminals, and storage and distribution systems. His expertise includes the technical and commercial aspects of project management, cost estimating, feasibility studies, risk assessment, and project execution.
Work History
Interface Consulting International, Inc.
Senior Associate Consultant
Frontier Energy Services, LLC
Senior Advisor – Construction, Engineering, and Operations, Vice President of Planning
International Construction Consulting, LLC
Glencore E&P (Canada), Inc.
Project Construction Manager, Senior Construction Manager
Energy & Gas Regulation Commission
Senior Energy Consultant
Chevron Neftegas, Inc.
Construction Manager
Boston Strategies International
Senior Energy Consultant, Senior Management Consultant
Angola LNG
Construction Manager
Chevron Nigeria, Ltd.
Construction Project Coordinator
Pipeline & Terminal Construction Manager
Pipeline Construction Advisor
Enron International
Construction Manager
Parsons Corporation
Construction Manager, Field Engineering Manager
Willbros Group, Inc.
Operations Manager
MBA – Robert Kennedy College, Switzerland
BS – Industrial Engineering & Technology
East Central University, Oklahoma
Expert Areas
- Project Management
- Risk Assessment/Management
- Constructability Review
- Feasibility Studies
- Cost Estimating
- Contract Evaluation
- International Standards & Contracting
- Construction Management
- Alaska Gas Producers Pipeline Project
- Caspian Sea Pipeline Tank Farm & Marine Terminal
- Chad-Cameroon Pipeline System
- Cuiaba Gas Pipeline
- Dominion Energy Atlantic Coast Pipeline
- Escravos Gas Pipeline, Phase 3
- Frontier Energy Alpha Crude Connector
- Jaihind Obiafu/Obrikom – Oben Gas Pipeline
- Keystone XL Pipeline
- Millennium Pipeline
- ONEOK NGL Pipeline
- Overland Pass Pipeline
- Sakhalin 1 Pipeline, Phase 1
- West Africa Gas Pipeline
- West-East China Gas Pipeline
- Angola LNG Project
- Bibiyana Gas Field Development
- Cerro Negro Central Production Facility
- Chad Oil Field Development
- Saudi Arabian Natural Gas Initiative Core Ventures 1 & 2
- West Kuwait Project Production Facilities Expansion
- West Salym Project
- Yamal Field Development
- Yemen LNG Feasibility Study
- Acueducto Bajanorte Hydrogeneration Project
- Domestic & international experience in the following industry sectors: Oil & gas pipelines; gas transmission & distribution; LNG; pump stations
Spie-Capag vs TC Energy (formerly TransCanada)
Client: Spie-Capag / McLean & Armstrong LLP
Scope: Expert Testimony Regarding Impact of Construction Delays
Year: 2024
Provision of consulting services and expert advice for the plaintiff in a construction delay dispute with a major international energy infrastructure company, TC Energy (defendant).
The work included assessing the cause and impacts of each instance of delay caused by the defendant, including the nature, duration, and context of each delay; evaluating the financial repercussions of these delays on the plaintiff, including direct costs (labor, materials, equipment) and indirect costs (extended overhead, lost opportunities); reviewing the contractual terms to determine the liability and potential remedies for the delays caused by the client; and offering an expert opinion on the extent of the delays and cost impacts supported by detailed analysis and evidence. Results are pending.
CNOOC Petroleum North America ULC v. ITP SA, Sunstone Projects, Ltd., and Wood Group Canada, Inc. / Round Table Group
Client: CNOOC Petroleum North America ULC / Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP
Scope: Expert Testimony Regarding the Quality of Engineering, Design, and Construction Services
Year: 2024
Provision of consulting services and expert advice for the plaintiff in a dispute with a consortium that provided engineering, design, procurement, construction management, and construction services on dual buried pipelines in northern Alberta. Both pipelines were to operate at high temperatures and pressures. The pipelines were to have an operational life of 40 years, yet one of the two failed and ruptured only ten months into service. A large spill of produced emulsion containing bitumen occurred, which required shut down of the pipelines and related facilities as well as associated environmental cleanup and remediation.
Expert advice and input focused on the roles and responsibilities of the plaintiff as well as the defendants’ failure to properly provide the engineering, design, and other work and materials they were contracted to provide and failure to ensure 1) the pipelines met the intended design specifications and could be safely operated for their intended operational life, and 2) the leak detection system for the pipelines was designed and installed to function properly. Results are pending.
Anthony Zamora; Gilbert Viator; Gary Simon v. Magnolia River Services, Inc. / Round Table Group
Client: Magnolia River Services, Inc. / Bradley Arant Boult Cummings, LLP
Scope: Expert Testimony Regarding Contractor / Third-Party Inspection Services Roles & Responsibilities
Year: 2024
Provision of consulting services and expert advice for the defendant in a dispute with local firefighters who were injured due to a gas leak caused by a gas pipeline that ruptured during a horizontal directional drill (HDD) operation. The work included delineating the roles and responsibilities between the owner, the contractor, and the third-party inspection company hired to inspect the HDD activities. Results are pending.
MC Tubular Products Inc. vs. US Customs and Border/US Department of Justice
Client: MC Tubular Products, Inc. / Steptoe, LLP
Scope: Expert Testimony Regarding API 5L Specification for Line Pipe
Year: 2024
Provision of consulting services and expert advice for the plaintiff in a dispute with US Customs and Border Protection and the US Department of Justice. The work included assessing the requirements and applicability of API 5L, Specification for Line Pipe, regarding its pertinence to pipe imported and determining whether the current anti-dumping statutes in place at the time of import applied to the pipe order. Results are pending.
Tex-Isle Supply, Inc. vs Tecnotubi S.p.A. and Alessio Tubi S.p.A.
Client: Tex-Isle Supply, Inc. / Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
Scope: Expert Testimony as End User
Year: 2022
Provided expert testimony as the purchaser and end user of line pipe provided by Tex-Isle Supply, Inc. (Plaintiff/Claimant) from Tecnotubi S.p.A. and Alessio Tubi S.p.A. (Defendant/Respondent), an Italian pipe mill. The pipe in question failed during hydrostatic testing.
Testimony in support of Tex-Isle Supply, Inc., included the technical and regulatory aspects of hydrostatic testing of line pipe; purchase order terms and conditions; API 5L specifications of line pipe; the replacement method and related activities of the failed pipe and re-hydrotest of replacement pipe; and associated costs.
Expert Witness Statement was prepared and submitted. Testimony was proffered at arbitration. Case was heard by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution department of the American Arbitration Association and settled successfully for the plaintiff.
O-089950: Lucinda Avery and Roy Avery Case
Client: Lucinda and Roy Avery / Carlile Law Firm, LLP / Expert Institute
Scope: Expert Services, Testimony and Witness for Plaintiff / Findings Report for Litigation
Year: 2020
Provided services as an independent expert in the areas of construction and site construction management, including safety processes and controls for litigation regarding an individual injured at a place of employment while that place of employment was undergoing repair & construction activities. Case was settled successfully for the Plaintiff.
Confidential Project
Client: Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP / The Michel-Shaked Group /
Scope: Expert Services, Testimony and Witness for Plaintiff / Findings Report for Litigation
Year: 2017
Provided services as an independent expert in the areas of project and construction management, including project controls, cost engineering, progress tracking, schedule control, and project reporting for litigation concerning the corporate reporting of a major domestic EPC services contractor. The case was related to alleged SEC reporting violations.
Developed a preliminary Findings assessment to provide an overall understanding of what processes and procedures a prudent EPC services company would to take in order to properly manage its major capital projects, including schedule, cost control, cost engineering, and reporting activities for management to be fully apprised at all times of the status and profitability of its’ projects.
My work was in support of the Plaintiff in the case. The case was successfully settled for the Plaintiff.
Alpha Crude Connector Project
Client: Frontier Energy Services, LLC / Alpha Crude Connector, LLC (ACC)
Scope: Expert Services / 3rd Party Failure Analysis Report Assessment and Rebuttal
Year: 2016
ACC (Plaintiff) suffered failure of three pipe segments that failed during hydrostatic testing of several lengths of pipe after welding and having the completed welds inspected. Three separate pipe segments failed, including a segment of pipe API 5l X-52, 8 5/8-in diameter, .188-in thickness; a second segment of API 5l X-52, 8 5/8-in diameter, 0.188-in thickness; and a smaller diameter API 5l X-52, 4 1/2-in diameter, 0.188-in thickness also failed.
The pipe was manufactured by SEAH Steel and were coated with 14-6 mils of green 3M 6233P protective coating. The three pipe segments were manufactured employing an Electric Resistance Welding (ERW) process.
The 3rd party expert Failure Analysis Report concluded the failures were due to transit fatigue imparted on the pipe after coating (transportation was provided by ACC). The rebuttal report produced a convincing case that transit fatigue did in fact lead to the failure, however, the transit fatigue occurred during ocean transport rather than the short over land transportation provided by ACC. The case was successfully settled for the Plaintiff.
Confidential Project
Client: Germer Gertz, LLP
Scope: Expert Services, Testimony and Witness for Defendant / Findings Report for Litigation
Year: 2010-2011
Provided services as an independent expert in the areas of project and construction management for litigation regarding a domestic pipeline project.
Developed a Findings Report to provide an overall understanding of what steps an Owner Company would typically be expected to take in order to manage its major capital projects taking into consideration the contracting strategies selected.
A management analysis was provided based on contracting strategies selected for the pipeline engineering and construction work with a focus on what should have happened after the contract type was made, both from a Construction and Project Management standpoint. The litigation was successfully defended against.
My work was in support of the Defendant in the case. I participated in two (2) depositions for the defendant; the case went to trial, but prior to my testimony, the case was successfully settled for the Defendant.